Fiona Scanlan
I first started making pots at adult education classes over twenty years ago. I immediately loved it. I was reminded of happy childhood hours of making mud pies and modelling with Plasticine. Unfortunately the class closed before I was able to develop any skills!
Later I discovered Quinborne Pottery group which has since merged with Sundragon Pottery at the Old Printworks in Balsall Heath. I spend time there making pots and helping others to be creative. I also have a studio pass at the MAC (Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham).
I have worked with porcelain and stoneware. I am currently concentrating on stoneware work. I am particularly interested in making bottle forms, both thrown and slab built , twisted forms and vessels that are vaguely reminiscent of bags!
I’m interested in contrasting matte and shiny surfaces, and in using resist techniques. With porcelain I aimed for pieces that are delicate and colourful. In contrast my stoneware work is usually tactile and rugged.
I enjoy both wheel work and hand-building, particularly slabbing.
I am influenced by nature, plants, rock formations and landscapes, both natural and urban, and by abstract patterns. I really love to experiment, often unsuccessfully! Nevertheless I enjoy the process even if the end result doesn’t always work!