Mary Flitcroft

I have worked with clay nearly all my life.  I studied ceramics at Harrow College of Art, London, and Loughborough College of Art (BA).  Having been a primary school teacher for twenty-five years, I am now working as an artist.

I love clay and what it can do.

I enjoy throwing: making bowls, jars, jugs and tea sets and when I need a break from other tasks, it’s throwing that calls me.

I love the slow rhythmical process of coiling and I love making large sculptural forms.

Raku firing is a favourite of mine and I have my own mini self-made ceramic fibre kiln.

At the moment I am working with porcelain paper clay and loving its strength and translucency and the way it can way be folded, stretched, torn; the way it receives marks. The pieces I make are mounted and framed. This work is contemplative and abstract.

See Instagram: mary_flitcroft